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Hi. I’m Milo, an iOS developer.

I’ve been been studying iOS app development for the past three years. I’m passionate about software, and I have a great attention to detail. Take a look at some of the projects I’ve worked on.


Apance iPad App
I spent three months doing an internship at Apance, where I got to build various features in SwiftUI for their creative iPad app, which is in early access.
screenshot from iPad app
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Will Robots Take Over Today? iPhone App
I built a simple weather app that also tells you if robots will take over the world today based on the conditions like rain, sun, etc. It involved requesting data from a weather API, handling possible errors, and adding smooth animations between different views. I used UIKit storyboards for this app.
screenshots from iPhone app
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Github Portfolio Contributions
Some of my other projects on GitHub, where I’ve experimented with smaller apps during my studies.
screenshot of code shown on Github
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